

Hi! I'm Samantha, owner of Fibroplasma by Samantha. I'm very excited to bring my services to you! I love working with people and the body. For 30 years, I've been a Medical Massage Therapist and TMJ Specialist. It brings me joy to do this work that I love, especially because it allows me to make a difference in another person's life. Whether it's making my clients feel better, relieving them, helping them back to wellness space, or restoring their confidence, I value it all. We are all here on our own journey, and I feel blessed that I can be a part of that process. Let Samantha help you achieve confidence and well-being because everyone should feel good in their own skin.

Address: 1122 S Roxbury Dr. Beverly Hills, CA 90035

Phone: (310) 930-8158

My Official Website: https://fibroplasmabysamantha.com/

Google Plus Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=984987651350947837
United States